Wedding / Ślub

Organising a wedding takes lots of time and nerves (! mainly that) however when you look back you know it was all worth it. Because I am “I will do it all myself” type of person I never rely on other people. I have decided that pictures for my wedding going to be amazing without professional photographer and his “Photoshop” for 500 Pounds….

Not having a photographer on my wedding and instead buying a good camera was the best decision I have ever made! Because I was one of the “attraction” as a bride I didn’t really have a chance to hold the camera in my hands and take some photos myself but our guests could do this to capture our emotions and happiness.

I would like to say a massive Thank you to my sister Magda who who helped me a lot on that day and she mainly was the one who had such a “good eye”.


Organizowanie slubu zabiera zawsze bardzo duzo czasu i nerwow (przede wszystkim nerwow!). Jednak kiedy patrzysz na to wszystko z perspektywy czasu wiesz, ze bylo warto. Poniewaz jestem typem osoby “zrobie to sama”, staram sie nigdy nie polegac na innych ludziach. Postanowilam wiec, ze zdjecia na moim slubie beda wyjatkowe bez profesjonalnego fotografa i jego photoshop’a za 500 funtow….

To, ze nie mielismy fotografa na weselu, a w zamian kupilismy dobra lustrzanke bylo najlepsza decyzja jaka podjelam! Poniewaz to ja bylam jedna z glownych “atrakcji” jako panna mloda nie mialam tak naprawde okazji aby trzymac aparat w rece, ale za to nasi goscie mogli uwiecznic nasze emocje i szczescie w tym dniu. 

Chcialabym podziekowac mojej siostrze Magdzie za jej niezastapiona pomoc w ten dzien i to glownie ona miala takie “dobre oko”. 


“There is no better friend than a sister. And there is no better sister than you.”

There are photos of our wedding bands and invitations that I took before the wedding for our book.


To sa zdjecia obraczek i zaproszen, ktore wykonalam przed weselem do naszej ksiazki.


Wedding dress

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Wedding Day (Photos by Magda)

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Photos by the BrideDSC_0172 DSC_0173

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart” Helen Keller 


“Dad. your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.”

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To say special thank you to our lovely guests I have decided to do my own personal “thank you” cards. I have used my wedding dress as a background and also used my flowers and some of the gifts that we have received. 😉 Pictures were taken in the hall using whatever amateur photographer will find useful 🙂 The effect was pretty cool.


Aby podziekowac w sposob szczegolny naszym gosciom postanowilam, ze wykonam moje wlasne karty z podziekowaniami dla gosci. Uzylam do tego mojej sukienki jako tla, kwiatow oraz niektorych prezentow, ktore otrzymalismy. 🙂 Efekt byl niezly.

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One Comment Add yours

  1. Kasia says:

    Choć czas tak szybko płynie, są chwile, które nie dają zapomnieć, dzięki którym mamy tych najbliższych zawsze w sercu, nawet gdy dzielą nas setki kilometrów… Wszystkiego najlepszego na nowej drodze życia kochana! Bądź szczęśliwa! 💋

    Liked by 1 person

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